How to relieve post workout soreness?
Most people are made to believe that sore muscles are sign of an excellent workout and that it means you are making positive changes on your body and overall health. But often the truth is, you’re aching because you probably pushed yourself too hard because workouts...
Top 10 Diet and Fitness Tips for Men
Obesity is a widespread epidemic but it is commonly overlooked despite the fact that this epidemic has been proven to cause so many more serious health conditions in the long run. And the sad part is, obesity is totally preventable and avoidable with discipline and...
5 Science-Proven Benefits of Drinking Water
Water facts: The planet is essentially 70% surrounded by it and your body holds at least 65% of It’s content in that form. Yep. Whether you like it or not, water is around us everywhere and scientifically speaking we can’t just live without it. Have you ever heard a...
How to Lose Weight Quickly and Effectively
Losing weight isn’t easy, and without some major lifestyle changes, it can be nearly impossible to effectively keep weight off! Luckily, we’ve rounded up some expert tips from nutritionists and registered dietitians to help you take the first step toward losing weight...